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VALORANT Patch 1.08 - Guardian-Buff und frische Maprotation - VALORANT | esports.com
Patch 1.08 for VALORANT released
17. September 2020

VALORANT Patch 1.08 – Guardian-Buff und frische Maprotation

Riot Games hat den nächsten Patch für VALORANT herausgebracht. Die Version 1.08 ist nicht sehr groß, bringt aber einen Guardian-Buff und packt auch Raze an.

Während der vorherige Patch noch große Einschnitte in das Meta-Spiel brachte, ist mit dem frischen Update eine kleinere Veränderung vorgesehen

Max “Orcane” Grossman, Riots Lead Agent Designer, erklärte außerdem, dass das Team einen Blick auf die Operator hat, aber noch schaut, was es wie anpassen kann.

Der Hauptfokus von Patch 1.08 liegt auf der Waffe Guardian sowie den Sprengstoffpäckchen von Agentin Raze..


Die Guardian wird günstiger (2.400 anstatt 2.500), kriegt eine erhöhte Feuerrate und eine bessere Abklingzeit.

Razes Sprengstoff entschärft

Der Sprengstoff von Raze kann nun aus sicherer Distanz kaputt geschossen werden, dafür hat sich der maximale Schade erhöht.


Neben Waffen und Agenten packt Riot Games auch die Maprotation an. Anstatt einer willkürlichen Auswahl der aktuellen Maps soll nun auch der Faktor der zuletzt gespielten Karten eine Rolle im Matchmaking spielen.

Weitere Bug Fixes und genaue Zahlen findet ihr in den Patch Notes:

VALORANT Patch 1.08:


Blast Pack

  • Initial damage reduced to 15 with a .2 meter inner radius, falling off to 5 minimum damage
  • Once the satchel lands, it arms after .5 seconds, increasing it’s max damage to 50
  • Shooting the blast pack causes it to detonate, dealing its current damage amount
  • Satchel no longer does damage allies

Raze’s Blast Pack has been dishing out damage without giving enemies much counterplay. This change should help make it very clear when Blast Pack’s damage poses a threat while maintaining the utility aspects of the Blast Pack that players have begun to master. The blast pack now does not ‘fizzle’ when shot and will still do damage, meaning it should still be approached carefully if in lethal range.


Guardian buff

  • Price reduced from 2500 >>> 2400
  • Improved Rate of fire from 4.75 >>> 5.25 RPS (rounds per second)
  • Improved weapon recovery from .35 after 3 bullets to .2925 after 3 bullets
    • We don’t think the Guardian can (or should) compete directly with the Phantom or Vandal but we’d like it to have a place where players can feel good opting into the gun at the new price, is a competitive purchase in certain economic circumstances or map scenarios, and isn’t as punishing when an enemy gets close!


It’s happening! The possible pool of maps you can get placed on is now ‘pseudo-random’ rather than pure random. What that means is if you just played, say, Haven, the matchmaker will deprioritize that map in your next game.

  • Matchmaking queue for all modes has been updated to measure all your recently played maps, throughout all modes, so that for any given queue you:
    • Have a better chance of playing on a map you haven’t played recently
    • Are much less likely to play on the same map several games in a row


  • Observers will now see a timer rather than their screen being obscured when observing a player who is blinded
    • Full screen blind for observers can be turned back on in the options, for all you masochists
  • Minimap performance improvements
  • The social panel will now pause sorting while you’re hovering or interacting with it
  • Updated verbiage in the All Ranks modal in the Career page to be more consistent with Competitive overtime rules


  • Prime Classic VFX fixed
    • There was a bug in which upgrade Prime levels (2–4) were not playing the correct tracers, sound fx, and other VFX
  • Fixed a bug where the End of Game screen would display a “Still processing” message, and then wouldn’t show that match in your Career tab
  • Fixed a bug where “High Skill Disparity” would display in Custom Game Lobbies

Wie findet ihr das Update? Schreibt es uns auf Facebook, Twitter oder Discord!
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Image Credit: Riot Games
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