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5 League of Legends champions that desperately need a rework - League of Legends | esports.com
February 8, 2021
League of Legends

5 League of Legends champions that desperately need a rework

League of Legends has been around for a while, which means some champions aren’t as up to date anymore as they probably should be.

Let’s take a look at 5 champions that should receive a rework. Champions that will not be included are those of which Riot games has already announced they are on the rework list already. These are Udyr, Shyvana and Nocturne. Other champions that will also not be included are those that are intentionally designed with a kit that is linear or easy to learn. Maybe one day we will be able to download knowledge directly into our mind like we can on a computer but, until that day comes, everyone needs to learn from scratch. Most notably these are Ashe, Annie, Garen, Lux and of course Teemo.

1. Master Yi – “I have a very specific lack of skills”

The problems with Master Yi vary both in lower and higher elo. Yi is a champion to dominate games with if you are smurfing. He has a playstyle that is easy to counter in theory but it requires quite some teamwork, which is often not found in lower elo. A simplistic kit where the true skill mostly relies on abusing blatant early game mistakes from your opponents and getting fed while being an unstoppable beast in the late game makes for one of the unhealthiest elements in the game.

Having a high ban rate in Bronze and Iron shows that these players do not want to encounter this champion. This issue however continues in high elo as well, since the so called ‘funnel tactic’ is still a menace and often a reason to just straight up leave a champ select. Yi’s rework might still make for a high damage output jungler that scales well but may possible have a much higher skill cap. Giving him less ‘point and click’ abilities will make it easier for mechanically gifted players to find counterplay.

Also read: League of Legends Beginner’s guide: The client and getting started

2. Quinn – Missing the mark

Quinn is a marksman that never found a place to roost in the meta. In a traditional marksman role she fails on most aspects as she lacks consistent damage output and range alongside low attack speed she simply has no way of scaling to late game. Quinn is often put in the top lane against immobile opponents. There she can take advantage of her range to zone out her adversary.

On release Quinn was an interesting experiment and made way for theory crafting towards other champions. However as well all know, the first version of something is also the one with the most flaws. It’s time for Quinn to fly south.

3. Tryndamere – What happens in top lane stays in top lane

Tryndamere is a problem child that can cause undying rage for teams. The interesting part is that when discussing him it reveals an even bigger problem in-game. Critical strike chance (shortened down to crit chance) is an element in the game that relies on luck and random number generation. We will not dive into this further since that would require an article of its own, but Tryndamere relies heavily on this randomness for him to be effective in lane.

A very old kit that has remained nearly untouched for years makes him feel, and play, like the one-dimensional character he is. Having an ultimate that makes you unable to die also objectively has no counter play. Tryndamere also suffers from similar issues as Master Yi.

4. Amumu – Forever alone, never to be picked

The sad mummy only wants friends to play with but never finds any. This isn’t his fault however since it’s unlikely to find playmates when no one wants you on your team. For example: he is the number one place holder champion in pick and ban. He only shows up every so often when certain changes to tank items are introduced and Riot Games proceeds to nerf him again into a state where he is no longer viable in competitive play.

As of Season 11 team’s compositions that have great synergy with ultimate and AOE abilities are great to play. Despite this the sad mummy remains a wallflower at the party.
His kit is problematic and after so many years it’s obvious that there is no longer is an option to give him a healthy tune to dance to.

Also read: The 5 best top laners to climb in soloqueue

5. Dr. Mundo – The fake doctor

Contradictory to what his name suggests Mundo is not a doctor. He causes headaches for either his opponents or the people who play him. His kit entirely relies on having insane stats but not much else in the form of awe inspiring abilities. Champions like Mundo have an extraordinarily narrow sweet spot to find balance in. The healing on his ultimate also needs to be through the roof since the first item you buy against him will have healing reduction. If you would look at Sion before his rework and his current iteration, you can see that some homework was copied. It’s time for Mundo to go to back to school and finish that doctorate.

In conclusion it’s no secret that most of these champions are pretty old. While I do agree it would be sad to see some of the more iconic champions go, ultimately, they would be replaced with a more updated and fun kit. On top of that it provides a healthier game in general.

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Image Credit: Riot Games
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