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July 15, 2020
Streamer Gaules apologizes for CS:GO cheating accusations
Following severe community backlash Alexandre “Gaules” Borba has issued an apology to the Counterstrike: Global Offensive community at large. The accusations of cheating that the streamer and analyst had made towards Nathan “leaf” Orf have led to extreme harassment.
During a CS_Summit tournament two weeks ago, Gaules was one of the Brazilian commentators for the official Brazilian stream of the tournament. Brazilian team Made in Brazil, or MiBR, took a loss against North American team Chaos Esports Club. Gaules then suggested several times that the outstanding performance of 16 year old player leaf were the result of cheating software. Following this, Brazillian fans hurled abuse at leaf, to the point where he had to deactivate his Twitter account.
Minhas sinceras desculpas. Espero que possamos melhorar juntos nossa comunidade.
This abuse, in turn, led to a community backlash towards the Brazilian broadcast, Gaules specifically. In response, Gaules released a statement on the 14th of July, which can be found in the tweet below. Therein, he calls upon his community to refrain from any type of harassment, condemning the threats of physical violence. In his closing lines, he calls for a respectful community. Notable is that he kind of skirts around taking personal responsibility for his actions. While he apologizes if ‘his attitude generated a negative reaction that made someone upset’ and is sorry that ‘things have been perceived by values that are not ours’, the focus of the statement is more on the Brazilian community as a whole. How do you feel about Gaules’ statement? Will similar future behaviour be avoided? Join the discussion on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or our Discord!