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League of Legends - How to play Ezreal - League of Legends | esports.com
June 27, 2021
League of Legends

League of Legends – How to play Ezreal

Back in the meta once again, Ezreal is finding success in both solo queue and professional play. Here’s our guide on how you should play the fast-paced ADC.

Ezreal has long been among League of Legends most popular bottom lane picks. In part, this may be due to his high skill ceiling, given his skill shot oriented kit, and unparalleled mobility. Ezreal is certainly a champion with a great deal of agency in any given game, however the difference between being a frontline, aggressive poker, and just inting can often be razor thin. Here’s how we recommend you play Ezreal effectively in season 11.

Playstyle – The Frontline ADC

Ezreal is one of the few ADCs in the game who are best played as frontliners. Practically, you are forced into this role due to the inherently short raged nature of Ezreal’s kit. Both your Q (Mystic Shot) and E (Essence Flux) will require you to get in your opponent’s face. This will of course risk getting caught out and may necessitate you to keep track of your enemy’s hard engages. Thankfully for Ezreal mains, his kit carries a ‘safety net’ of sorts in his E (Arcane Shift). Arcane Shift is not nearly as much of a gap closer or escape tool as the summoner spell flash, but it can provide a quick exit from a dodgy situation.

Ezreal thrives when dealing ‘poke’ damage. Your main goal when dealing damage as Ezreal is not always to kill, though of course like any ADC you should capitalize on your opportunities. Instead, Ezreal does exceptionally well in the moments before a big neutral objective fight where Mystic Shots chunk down the health of frontline tanks and carries alike. This makes engages either completely impossible, or incredibly disadvantageous for the opposing team. Dealing quick damage, and even baiting out engages with your high mobility should be your priority. 

Spells & Combos

 A large amount of your early points will go into your Mystic Shot, since this will act as your primarily damage dealers alongside your auto attacks. Essence Flux should always lead off as the first skill shot whenever it is available. The bonus damage from landing an attack onto a ‘fluxed’ opponent can provide substantial chunk damage. This combination, especially into the late game, will be enough to incapacitate most enemies, however if you are just barely unable to finish them off, you have a few options.

Your first is that of your ultimate, R (Trueshot Barrage), which is fully capable of sniping enemies from across the map or just inches away. The second is your summoner spell flash and ability combo. Flash and Mystic Shot not only increase Ezreal’s relatively short range, but gives you the jump on unsuspecting, fleeing opponents. Alongside this, your Mystic Shot when flashed will cancel the animation, meaning that the projectile comes out faster. You can continue to extend your range by adding your Arcane Shift into the mix. To reiteration however, this is best for situations where your target is already damaged down and you can confidently finish the kill, as this risks overextending since either your Arcane Shift will be down or you will not be able to E out of range.

Itemization & Runes

Ezreal uses a lot of spells, which consequently affects his itemization. Divine Sunderer should be your first item rush, as it provides a significant amount of ability haste but also plays into the damage diversity inherent in Ezreal, giving both AD and bonus Magic penetration. After getting boots, you’ll need to take Manamune. This item has been a staple of Ezreal’s kit, as the significant mana increase will facilitate your barrage of skillshots. 

From this point on, the course of your game should guide your item choices. For more mana and protection, Frozen Heart is a defense item that will all but prevent you from ever running out of mana. Ravenous Hydra will grant more AD damage to balance out your damage profile and will marginally assist your wave clear and range disadvantage. 

Ezreal is among the ADCs who take Conqueror as the sheer amount of ‘basic spells’ you’ll be throwing out will easily garner stacks. Presence of Mind will be especially helpful in the early game, where damage will give back a percentage of your mana pool, while Bloodline can give you greater sustain. Coup de Grace is similarly helpful as it will help you finish off weakened targets you’ve already chunked down.

Sorcery should fill your remaining slot, with Manaflow Band and Transcendence wrapping up your runes. Ultimately, Ezreal is a fast paced, in your face champion that is as rewarding as he is punishable. To play Ezreal the most efficiently follow our guide and push with confidence.

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Image Credit: Riot Games
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