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The League of Legends champions with the highest pick-ban rate in Summer 2021 - League of Legends | esports.com
August 27, 2021
League of Legends

The League of Legends champions with the highest pick-ban rate in Summer 2021

First and foremost, we’re only going to be looking at the four top leagues for this list, namely LCK, LCS, LEC and LPL, including statistics from MSI 2021. We also won’t be looking at the exact amount of picks (as this number can be skewed), but at the presence (Pick/Ban) of the champions, to determine which Champion was the most oppressive and present in their role.

Top – Renekton (75% pick-ban rate)

There was no escaping the crocodile in Summer so far, as Renekton sits at the top when it comes to presence in competitive games. He was the champion to get the most bans when it comes to the top lane, while still being picked almost every time he was still open. The runner-up here is Gwen, who actually beat out Renekton in picks slightly, but not in pick-ban rate, not being as present.

Jungle – Xin Zhao (79% pick-ban rate)

The rework for Xin Zhao did wonders for the champion as his usage in competitive play has shot way up. He netted an insane amount of bans, with many teams opting to not play into him. This is not surprising considering his win rate, which sits at a great 58%. In the runner-up spots we have Lee Sin (63%) and Viego (56%).

Mid lane – LeBlanc (56% pick-ban rate)

LeBlanc has become increasingly strong throughout Summer and it’s reflected in her stats. The assassin boasts the highest number of picks. The most banned champions in the mid lane were Lucian and Akali and they often didn’t see play. They were however the second and third placed champions when it comes to pick-ban rate. LeBlanc currently finds herself with a 52% win rate.

Bot lane – Varus (74% pick-ban rate)

Varus was the most picked bot laner by a landslide, while also being first in netting the most bans. In second place we find early-game monster Kalista, with Ezreal taking third place. Currently Varus has a 52% win rate, which is less than Kalista yet more than Ezreal.

Support – Thresh (73% pick-ban rate)

Thresh being the support that has the most focus put on him isn’t strange at all. He’s been a consistent top tier champion in almost every meta, there’s a lot of players who are amazing at playing him and for many teams he can be a nightmare to play against due to his solid play-making potential. Oftentimes Thresh was one of the first bans dealt out at the start of the game. In second place we found Leona, who did see the most actual play with a 66% pick-ban rate.

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Image Credit: Riot Games
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