Season 12 has officially launched as the ranked season has commenced. Along with the commencement of the new year, League of Legends released an ‘Opening Day’ informational video. This 40-minute developer update recaps all the pre-season changes as well as new features only recently added.
A new path beckons—will you answer? #TheCall
— League of Legends (@LeagueOfLegends) January 7, 2022
Preseason Changes and Customization Features
The video began as Jeremy “Brightmoon” Lee went over the various changes to the Rift. Brightmoon stated that while most pre-season changes focuses on fundamentally changing one part of the game, the previous offseason saw many small quality-of-life changes. Three major pre-season change however was the addition of several new Mythic Items, a new bounty system, two new new dragons.
Hop in with @RiotBrightmoon to recap some of League’s recent updates and gameplay changes.
Explore upcoming ways to track progress with Challenges, and look towards a smoother Ranked reset. #TheCall
— League of Legends (@LeagueOfLegends) January 7, 2022
Out of all the pre-season changes, the two new Chemtank and Hextech Dragon seem like the most impactful additions to the game. While the Hextech Dragon gives a passive slow ability and opens portals across the map, the Chemtech gives a Sion-like Zombie passive and camouflages large portions of the jungle.
Customization was the next item on the docket. Several changes to customization had been hinted at prior to the announcement. League of Legends is set to redesign its ranked crests, drastically altering them from previous iterations. There will be far more level border options to emphasize player individuality.
Challenges will be the most significant new addition to player customization. In loading screens, players will be able to flaunt up to three unique challenges. These challenges range in scope, as dodging skillshots and solo’ing baron are only two examples of such feats described as ‘challenges.’ The five challenge categories include Veterancy, Expertise, Teamwork & Strategy, Collection, and Imagination.
Return to Ranked
For players interested in climbing in the ladder, ranked has returned. Developers promised a return to a more ‘traditional’ ranked experience. Brightmoon admitted the shortcomings of the previous ranked season, as the ‘ranked reset’ saw players return to almost the same rank they left of on the previous season.
This lead to many issues as players were losing far more LP than they were gaining, as player’s rank overtook their MMR. Supposed ‘tuning adjustments’ will make so player’s rank and MMR stay much closer together. Riot Games hopes to create a much smoother climb for players in 2022.
New Champions – Zeri and more
Riot Games stated that it will continue to add more champions into its ever growing roster of playable characters. Though the team admitted they may hit one role or character type disproportionately, they stated that they hope to hit a ‘good spread’ across the roles.
Lightning always strikes twice. Or three to seven times.
— League of Legends (@LeagueOfLegends) January 6, 2022
Zeri was announced as the first new Champion of 2022. Elaborating on Zeri’s kit, Riot Games also previewed several new Champions coming in the year. An Enchanter type champion will be the next in the lineup, promising a more ‘sinister and dark’ take on the common LoL archetype. A new jungler will come up next, though little information was given on this ‘terrifying’ new Champion set to ‘swarm the Rift’ in 2022.
More VGUs on the Horizon
League of Legends will continue updating the visual graphics of older Champions, beginning with Udyr. Taking source from community opinion, Riot Games stated that while Udyr will come out in 2022 the Champion’s VGU will undergo further re-designs after some backlash. Shyvana, Nocturne, Skarner, Tryndamere, and Kog’Maw will all be up for VGU voting.
LoL Esports – The Future of Worlds
To kick off the new season, the Esports team in Riot Games announced a five-episode series center around pros from around the world. The series will include Gumayusi, Kinatu, Leza, Jiejie, and Danny. Announced earlier in the year, Worlds will take place in North America as it will tour Mexico City, New York City, Toronto, and San Francisco. As the next season is only days away, the future of LoL Esports certainly seems bright.
Also read:
- Riot Games announce new ADC Zeri
- Zven set to split time with K1ng on Cloud9 Academy roster
- BDS will make its debut in the LEC with its new roster
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