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All 10 LEC Spring Split 2021 top laners ranked - League of Legends | esports.com
February 26, 2021
League of Legends

All 10 LEC Spring Split 2021 top laners ranked

As the LEC Spring Split is inching closer to playoffs every week, let’s take a look at how the top lane has shaped up.

Everyone has made jokes at some point about the relevancy of the top lane in League of Legends. However, it is a key role in competitive games as we’ve often seen the meta evolve to a point where the toplaner can become the primary carry if conditions are met. In that case, a good, smart, experienced and/or talented toplaner is preferable over someone who mostly plays weakside and tanks only. So we went on to rank all LEC top laners from 10 all the way to 1.

10. WhiteKnight – Astralis

Even though he is in last place, he has not really gotten the chance to show all his talent yet. Being in the position where you must pick a champion to survive weakside rather than being set up for success in draft, takes its toll on your stats. On the other side, when being successful in playing weakside you have MagiFelix and Jeskla who both showed that they can carry a game if they are funneled resources and have a solid frontline.

9. HiRit – Misfits Gaming

Misfits Gaming as a whole feels very hit or miss right now. They are currently tied for 8th in the league and have not shown us much to go on. Although HiRit has had good games and showed us what he can do with a counterpick, it still felt a bit underwhelming as he was not able to carry as hard as expected on said counterpick. Overall, he has been a great addition to Misfits and is for certain not the sole reason they are not winning.

8. Szygenda – Team Vitality

Coming hot from the European Regional Leagues, Szygenda had quite some hype coming over with him. But after 5 weeks of play, we are still missing the fire in him which we saw in the regional leagues. With Vitality in last place, it might be time to hype up the Danish toplaner and give him some Gangplank on weakside to try and carry.

7. Kryze – EXCEL

Kryze has been crushing it in the KDA department, being in 9th place worldwide for all major regions with a KDA of 3.9. Unfortunately, you can not win games on KDA only and you must prove your worth on the rift as well. With his wide championpool, we are still expecting some champions to come out sooner or later. For now, he has been growing as a toplaner on an EXCEL squad that is slowly but surely evolving into a strong late-game fighting team.

6. Jenax – SK Gaming

The only toplaner who has also played midlane in the LEC has been looking good in the toplane. SK Gaming is a well-developed team that is ready to contest the top of the LEC. Jenax plays a crucial part in this roster and with his supreme mastery over Aatrox, he always has an ace up his sleeve.

5. Bwipo – Fnatic

This might be a little shock to a lot of people, but we ranked Bwipo fifth out of all toplaners. This was the toughest decision to make, because one week Bwipo looks like the king of toplane, when he goes on a rampage with Riven, and the other one he just looks clueless on Sett.

4. BrokenBlade – Schalke 04

After coming over from Team SoloMid in NA, he had to prove himself again to the European audience. BrokenBlade got back to grinding instantly and not only showed that he is still a force to be reckoned with in his solo queue games, but he also has good games on the professional stage. The true question is can he help Schalke 04 make a deep run in the LEC play-offs?

3. Armut – MAD Lions

With his five “Player of the Week” awards, Armut has the most out of all toplaners as of today. With his goofy personality, he does not only win games on the rift but also our hearts on social media. Coming over from the TCL and replacing Orome, he had some big shoes to fill. After facing MAD Lions at Worlds, they decided to just hire the fellow to make their dreams come true instead of crushing them.

2. Wunder – G2 Esports

We could probably say that he is the most experienced toplaner in our league. Although, this might be true for international experience, even Wunder can learn something from our number one ranked toplaner. When Wunder is not dedicating his time to raiding, he can be the best toplaner in Europe. He has shown greatness at international events but sometimes slacks a bit too much regionally.

1. Odoamne – Rogue

The best of the best, the cream of the crop regarding toplaners, is Odoamne. With his macro knowledge and shotcalling, he can not only hold down his lane but can micromanage teammates at the same time. He has long been overshadowed but he is now finally being recognized for the strong toplaner he is.

Of course, everyone has opinions about the LEC especially when it comes down to ranking players or teams. We tried our best to give a short explanation on why we choose the specific ranking for this player.

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Image Credit: Riot Games
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