Earlier in the month, Riot Games announced an upcoming skin for Ekko based off his appearance in Arcane. Deemed Firelight Ekko, this new skin showcased the longstanding character’s design in the animated Netflix show. Released in the PBE, the skin has now been removed for the time being.
Riot Games lead skin producer, Ambrielle “Katana” Army, stated that the skin was removed primarily due to sound effect issues. The skin was heavily criticized for its cost, 1350 RP, which is significantly higher than the normal skin despite not having the normal features of an ‘epic’ skin.
Katana took to Reddit to address the many complaints with the skin. In a post, Army stated “We completely agree that SFX are a standard and expected part of an Epic (1350) skin, and leaving them out was an unfortunate mistake on our part due to a miscommunication internally,” Army continued “While we do everything we can to avoid delaying content, we’re going to hold off from shipping this skin for a few patches to work on adding new SFX.”
In the update, Firelight Ekko is expected to receive the signature hoverboard he is seen riding in Arcane. Other small effects to both the visual and sound design of the champion will come with the update. The updated release date has not yet been revealed by Riot Games, though the skin is currently off of the PBE.
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