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How to earn League of Legends Drops for watching esports - | esports.com
Drops in LoL
June 5, 2020
League of Legends

How to earn League of Legends Drops for watching esports

Itemdrops have been a tried and tested method to increase viewership numbers. After Riot dominated Twitch through VALORANT’s beta keys, the developer now turns towards League of Legends.

Via Twitch Prime Riot had already been regularily supplying ingame items for League of Legends and Teamfight Tactics. Now they extend their cooperation with Twitch to enable drops for watching professional League of Legends.

The European LEC and the North American LCS will have drops enabled starting from the third matchday of the upcoming summer split. As long as you link your official Riot account via watch.lolesports.com you qualify for the ingame items.

While this is not the first time that watching professional LoL yielded ingame rewards, this time Riot is also targeting the casual audience. Instead of having to fulfill missions by watching a fixed amount of matches viewers can just tune in and get lucky. As long as they are watching during special moments (eg Pentakills, Baron Steals etc) they have a chance to bag some loot.

How to earn drops

According to the official site you need to do the following:

  • Make sure to be logged in with your “League of Legends” accoundt on watch.lolesports.com and enable rewards and drops..
  • If you qualify for a drop you will see a notification on screen. Either click on it or visit the Drop website on watch.lolesports.com to claim it.
  • You can also see an overview of past drops and rewards in the “Drops”-tab of your profile on watch.lolesports.com
  • Initially drops will only be enabled for live matches. Riot hopes to implement more features in the future.

Summer split will begin on June 12. Drops will begin on matchday three.

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Image credits: Riot Games
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