Riot Games is stepping up on the marketing front when it comes to Wild Rift, now that the Open Beta is set to release in major regions such as Europe, Turkey and Oceania (among others). To celebrate their region expansion, Wild Rift will host the biggest Baron battle in history with players working together during a YouTube livestream.
People who want to participate during the event will have to watch the YouTube Live that is hosted on the League of Legends: Wild Rift YouTube channel on December 10 at 2 AM Pacific Time. You can find a countdown to the actual start of the event on the video itself, as players from different time zones will work together.
Players will take on Baron by typing in the chat next to the video. By using certain commands you’ll be able to cast spells such as Smite among other abilities, which you can use to hurt Baron who will respond to your actions. The fight itself will make use of a voting system, so players will have to work together to determine the best course of action to defeat Baron Nashor. Sometimes certain spells will be more effective than others, so picking the right option will be very important.
Everyone who decided to participate during the event will receive a unique emote and an icon based on Baron Nashor. As the Wild Rift Open Beta nears its release in other major regions, it’ll be interesting to see how the game evolves further and if events like these will occur more often.
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