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How to win more close quarters gunfights in Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War - Call of Duty | esports.com
July 10, 2021
Call of Duty

How to win more close quarters gunfights in Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War

If you find yourself losing in those close-quarters situations? Here are our tips on how to win these gunfights!

Plenty of maps in Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War are based around tight corners and enclosed areas. Knowing how to traverse these areas of the competitive arena is integral to finding wins. Though without an objective answer to win every encounter, there are some parts of your gameplay you can always stand to improve to make your chances better. From your weapon, to equipment, to playstyle, here’s how you can get better at closer quarters combat!

Stay a moving target

It is significantly more difficult to hit a mobile target than one that’s standing still. This simple fact can drastically improve your shot at winning gunfights at a close range. Obviously, you don’t want to be caught out if you’re sprinting around the map. Though some guns have a rather quick sprint-to-fire rate, it may be worth it to invest in one of these.

During the actual encounter however, an extra burst of movement may be enough to throw off your opponent. Either jumping or crouching upon seeing you opponent can make them miss those first, crucial shots. These two acts of movement also do not massively impact your aim in a negative way. Ultimately, it is best to keep your movement controlled, but unpredictable to your enemies.

Made for CQC – Use SMGs

SMGs are undoubtedly the kings of close of quarters combat. With impressive fire rates across the board, there are few SMGs that can’t empty an entire clip before your opponent can even get their rifle up. Of course SMGs are varied and finding which one suites your particular playstyle is important. Two important stats you should pay attention to are damage-per-bullet and accuracy.

Check out our picks for the top 5 SMGs in Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War!

These are the two places where most SMGs diverge the most. The Milano 821 deals incredible damage with near perfect accuracy, however greatly suffers from it’s rate of fire. Conversely, the MP5 has decent damage and fire rates, however has a massive bullet spread. No matter what you choose, SMGs are the way to go.

Use equipment that stuns your enemies

It’s not just about your weapons in close quarters combat, it’s about getting the jump any way that you can. Though movement can accomplish this, those with trained aim can still easily follow you with their crosshairs. To add another layer of depth to CQC, prioritize equipment that physically restrains your opponents. Stun and Flash grenades are the best tools for the job, slowing your opponent and making them relatively easier targets.

Along with this, using heartbeat sensors or other equipment tuned to find your enemies before they find you can give you vital extra seconds of preparation. Combined, you’ll know exactly when to throwing your flash around and corner and dive in. This playstyle will require a great deal of practice, as its fast-paced nature makes it extremely volatile. Once a CQC master though, you’ll be an absolute menace on most all of Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War’s maps.

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Image Credits: Activision
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