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League of Legends 101 - 4 Crucial factors when trying to improve - | esports.com
League of Legends

League of Legends 101 – 4 Crucial factors when trying to improve

So, how do you become good at this game? Today we’re going to give you some tips on how to stop losing in League of Legends.

You’re stuck in low elo, and there’s no hope in sight. Assassins constantly kill you, and you’re always down in gold. Yep, sounds like you suck. Don’t worry though, we’ve all been there. Even Huni, one of the biggest stars in League of Legends, was Bronze once.


While one of the least appealing parts of League of Legends, farming is an extremely important concept for anyone not playing Support. Better players often have way higher Creep Scores, letting them carry games easier and climbing the ranks quickly.

Important to understand is that CSing is the most efficient way to get gold in the game. You only need 15 CS to get gold equal to a single kill, so if you farm really well it truly does stack up. Killing minions and monsters also grants you experience. One Level can often equate to a kill or even two kills worth of stats and power.

Having trouble CSing in lane? Feel free to open up the practice tool, lock your level and simply CS for a while before starting a game. When playing, try to focus more on taking down minions than anything else, and teach yourself that CS is more important than anything.

Picking the right Champion

A big mistake made by many players in every single rank, is not consistently picking the same champions. Many players resort to playing whatever they like in different games, often playing champions for the first time in ranked. However, the best climbers pick the right tools.

Focus on playing a maximum of three champions in your chosen role, and don’t deviate from that role unless you’re autofilled. While you may feel like you can do a good job on other champions too, you need to understand that your best champion will always net you higher chances of winning.

While playing a champion you’re more comfortable on, you’ll have an easier time multitasking, so you can trade and farm while also constantly taking a peak at your minimap. Playing champions you don’t feel comfortable on will force you to pay attention to your mechanics alone, which will only lead to unforced deaths from junglers and assassins.

When choosing champions to play, focus on champions with relatively simple kits, that don’t force you to play perfectly to win. Everyone makes mistakes, the competition is to make as little mistakes as possible. Playing the champions at your best is vital to win.

Item Builds

Know your builds. Know how to adapt. Don’t build the same things every game. In the new Season 11, item builds have become very dependent on what you need. Some items are situational but are vital to winning. For instance: “Grievous Wounds” items should be built against heavy healers, Armor should be built against compositions with a lot of Physical Damage and assassins.

For individual champions, there are a lot of guides out there that help you understand what items you should build for specific situations, so make sure to do your research and understand what items should be built on your mains. Having suboptimal item builds practically means you’re wasting gold on bad items, and as we said before, getting gold is one of the most important things to do, so don’t waste it.

“Just Don’t Die”

While it sounds obvious, many players don’t possess this mental note when playing the game. In lower elos, games are often bloodbaths with champions dying left and right. Why? Because players that don’t die a lot aren’t in those elos anymore.

When playing the game, shift your focus to playing consistently and not dying. Think about the things that could kill you, and try to avoid them. Every game is about who makes the least amount of mistakes, so focusing on positioning yourself safely is often more important than grabbing that one cannon minion.

This is simply the prime reason you should play champions that you are comfortable on. Less time spent looking at your abilities and champion is more time you can spend on thinking about wards, junglers and not dying.

You’ll find that you’ll win more games simply by sitting back a bit and taking farm efficiently than by mindlessly trying to outduel the enemy team. Dying means less farm, and farm is important, so consider the risks of every move you make while playing.
A lot of these concepts may seem very obvious, yet are very often overlooked.

Autopiloting in ranked games isn’t going to get you anywhere, so it’s important to always be remembering the basics while playing. If you ever feel like you’re struggling, think back on these tips to reform your gameplay, and you can be sure you’ll be climbing in no-time.

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Image Credit: Riot Games