The ADC has had a long standing role in the bottom lane, though has faced major changes throughout the years.
The ADC is the glass cannon of any good team composition, and vital source of damage. The role has changed a great deal over the years, though the core idea behind the position has remained the same. Differences in mobility, damage type, and itemization have drawn clear between champions. With newer champions having more gaining more gap closers and burst damage abilities than ever, identifying an ADC’s win condition at different stages of a match is more important than ever.
The early game farmfest
ADC is a notoriously selfish role, and consequently requires a great deal of resources to snowball your lead early. CSing therefore is a critical aspect of the position that requires constant practice. ADCs rely almost entirely around their item power spikes, specifically mythic items. Even slight advantages that grant you bonus gold should be heavily valued, as getting your items even a moment early came be the difference maker.
Early game 2v2s in the botlane are a double-edged sword, as they can either drastically increase or decrease your priority. You should aim to only go in on 2v2s if both you and your support can deal consistent damage to the same target. Ideally, killing your opponent ADC is the optimal target, however naturally they will be harder to focus. Ultimately, if no opportunity arises, the game isn’t lost. Going even, or even slightly behind, in lane is far better than accruing a deficit. ADCs are among the hardest champions to have any impact on when set back.
Your role in the backline
An overwhelming number of ADCs thrive when utilized as the backline source of damage. After your first or second item power spike is whenever you can start to take over the game as the primary damage dealer. Finding good angles where you can free fire on your opponents while remaining out of range of your opponents abilities is the sweet spot you will want to find. You will want to avoid staying near the frontline, as the longer you stay alive and out of CC range, the more damage potential you’ll have.
In a few cases, such as when playing Kai’sa, you primary objective will be diving the enemy backline. Most ADCs have some form of burst damage are incredibly good at providing follow-up damage when attention is diverted elsewhere. As a relatively squishy champion however, you won’t be able to go toe-to-toe with other champions for long.
ADC itemization
Your built as an ADC is just as integral to your performance as your abilities. In season 11, two items have largely dominated ADC builds, Kraken Slayer and Gale Force. Gale Force provides a crucial peel for otherwise immobile champions and three hit active that can finish off targets after a close trade. Kraken Slayer is far better for crit-based champions, as the second hit passive it crucial tank buster.
Items that increase your damage output should take top priority, The Collector and Infinity Edge both stand as viable options. These will facilitate early winning team fights, but as the game goes later, you should look more toward sustain based items. Phantom Dancer is viable fourth pick option that still maximizes your damage potential while providing peel via a 7% movement speed increase.
As enemy champions get stronger and can start to rival your damage, you’ll need to prioritize healing items. Guardian Angel‘s passive, saving grace, gives you a second chance in team fights, and a ‘safety net’ of sorts. Lord Dominik’s Regards provides a percentage of bonus physical damage based of your opponent’s max health. Ultimately, an ADC’s itemization is incredibly dependent on the game state and the composition of your opponents, but recognizing and maximizing your effectiveness if relatively easy.
Runes and Summoner Spells
For Runes, the primary two keystones go between Domination and Precision. Hail of Blades is a great rune for ADCs who are more focused on attack speed, with auto-attacks being their primary damage source. For precision, champions that primarily rely on crits synergize best with either Press the Attack or Lethal Tempo.
Either primary rune you take, Inspiration stands as one of the best secondary runes. As stated, ADCs should farm to reach their mythic item power spikes quickly. Both Magical Footwear and Biscuit Delivery reduce the amount of gold you would otherwise spend on early boots and health potions. Ultimately, plays in the primary theme of the ADC position, edging out advantages to deal damage later.
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