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League of Legends 101: How to play Lux - League of Legends | esports.com
September 12, 2021
League of Legends

League of Legends 101: How to play Lux

Lux is one of the oldest mages in League of Legends, though despite having a VGU her kit remains fairly straightforward. Lux’s strength’s come from her CC, sustain, and ultimate damage though suffers from immobility and heavy mana pool reliance. Lux is a good starter champion for beginner midlaners, though often she has been flexed as a support. Either way, mastery of Lux’s combos, laning phase, and team fight role makes her a viable pick at nearly any rank. Here are our tips on how to play the Lady of Luminosity.

Lux’s combos – From harass to one-shot

Lux’s Q (Light Binding) is the catalyst for nearly all her combos. This is a high range rooting ability capable of stunning multiple enemies at once. This is an incredible spell that will facilitate most of your trades and potentially even winning team fights. Your combos will naturally change as the state of the game progresses, but below is your simple lane combo.

Q -> E (Lucent Singularity) -> Auto Attack -> E (Detonate) -> Auto

This combination will keep your opponent slowed and in damage range the entire time. Lux’s E is similarly an important tool in her arsenal. It provides a significant slow that can keep enemies in range, prevent them from peeling, and eventually cause damage once pressed again. Your later game ‘one-shot’ combo is actually much simpler, as the presence of your ultimate gives you far greater threat.

Q + E + R (Final Spark)

At your later game build, this will be able to damage down carries and ‘squishy’ targets fairly easily. You should avoid trying to get in auto attacks as the game goes on, as your AA range is relatively shorter and would put you in far more danger. Your R, Final Spark, is a huge burst of damage that should be reserved to finishing off targets.

Laning Phase – Be mana conscious

Lux’s viability is irreversibly tied to her available mana pool. You should hone your CSing skills before locking in Lux, as you’ll want to avoid using your abilities to last hit. As soon as your mana pool runs dry, you’re a prime target for all-ins and ganks. Also remember that your Q goes through minions. When looking to trade, you can catch your opponent off guard by rooting them through a minion and pulling off a fast combo.

Though you need to play safe as Lux during this early phase, try not to get shoved under the tower for the laning phase. Farming is incredibly difficult for Lux and once you’re behind, there is little hope of getting back. Your E is will be your primary wave clear and harass tool to fight back in lane.

Lux’s teamfighting – Shields and damage

Lux’s teamfighting is fairly straightforward, but her W (Prismatic Barrier), provides some interesting utility for teamfights. Lux’s W provides a shield but boomerangs around and shields any allies caught in its path a second time as well. You should time this shield for when your frontline is already sustaining damage and aim it to where you will maximize the double shielding feature.

As Lux, you’ll be in the backline for most of the late game and looking for combo opportunities. Your Q and E should be constantly thrown out as your mana pool grows, to keep your opponents off you and to potentially find engages. The optimal opportunity would be to find a multi-man ‘one-shot’ combo to soften up multiple members of the opposing team. Similar to an ADC, your primary goal is to stay alive. Lux’s CC, damage, and shielding are ultimately useless if you’re dead.

Runes and itemization

Lux’s runes and itemization shows little difference between her roles as a midlaner and support. For the sake of this guide, we’ll be focused on her in the midlane.

For your build, Luden’s Tempest will be your best first item rush. The Echo passive on the item provides further AoE damage and synergizes with Lux’s passive fairly well. After getting Sorcerer’s Shoes you should turn your attention to Zhonya’s Hourglass. This item provides a great deal of utility to Lux, as it gives her some answer to her lack of mobility. This point on is fairly free-form as you should simply prioritize items that increase you AP that make your combos more deadly. This may include Void StaffHorizon FocusRabadon’s Deathcap, and Banshee’s Veil.

For Runes, Arcane Comet will be your keystone as it provides an extra pinch of poke damage. Mana Flow BandTranscendence, and Gathering Storm all help Lux in becoming more of a scaling threat. Cheap Shot is a good secondary rune considering how often you’ll be throwing out your Q and Ultimate Hunter should round out your runes.

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Image Credit: Riot Games
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