One of the first things we got is the Sona update that’s been months in the making, especially after the criticism that she just got rebranded as Seraphine was released. With the buff the developers want to take into account the new items, which Sona has struggled with, while also updating her Q, W, E and R, including her passive. Sona isn’t the only one, as Karma also got some updates, possibly eliminating her flex potential.
In the champion department, a few champions of note got buffed. In the jungle Jarvan IV, Nunu and Shaco will get slight buffs, while Jhin and Sivir are eying a return to prominence in the bot lane. With Vladimir and Maokai, both will be seeing some buffs in the top lane department. On the side of nerfs, the usual suspects are there. Diana, Tahm Kench, Xin Zhao and Ziggs have been tearing up pro play and will get nerfs, while Lulu will also be toned down a notch.
Finally there’s the new skins that are coming to the game in the form of the Coven and Old Gods skins. These new Coven skins will be available for Ahri, Ashe, Cassiopeia, Evelynn, LeBlanc, while Malphite and Warwick are getting an Old God skin to better fit their theme.
Also read:
- League of Legends 101: Planning your jungle pathing
- Doublelift will be taking a break from League of Legends solo queue following burnout
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