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League of Legends Patch 11.3 - More jungler nerfs, Goredrinker active heal reduced - League of Legends | esports.com
February 2, 2021
League of Legends

League of Legends Patch 11.3 – More jungler nerfs, Goredrinker active heal reduced

As the newest League of Legends patch 11.3 is hitting the rift tomorrow on February 3, let’s take a look at the most important changes we’ll get to see.

When we take a look at the champions that are being targeted with nerfs, we once again see some of the most prominent jungle champions listed. Most notably we’ll see some changes in effectiveness of Olaf and Udyr, two of the most played junglers at the time. Furthermore, some of the newest champions in the game, Rell and Seraphine, will also go through some changes. Following a very high win rate in soloqueue, Riot Games was forced to tone Rell’s effectiveness a little bit with a slight rework, while Seraphine gets nerfs to her shield and passive note damage. Other champions that were considered a little weaker get slight buffs, such as Jinx, Riven and Ezreal.

In the item department Goredrinker will be hit with a nerf to its active heal from 12% to 8% after being a little too strong and prominent on certain champions. Riot Games is also planning to target the Staff of Flowing water with an AP nerf, while also bumping down some of the most effective items such as the Zhonya’s Hourglass, Sterak’s Gage and Deadman’s Plate. Some of the weaker items like Immortal Shieldbow and Chemtech Purifier will be buffed.

Full patch notes for the upcoming patch will be released by Riot Games tomorrow as the patch hits the rift. The patch itself will also include the new Lunar Beast skin line, which sees six champions (Darius, Fiora, Aphelios, Jarvan IV, Annie and Alistar) get new skins.

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Image Credit: Riot Games
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