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League of Legends patch 11.5 brings Gragas and Seraphine nerfs, features new skins - | esports.com
March 3, 2021
League of Legends

League of Legends patch 11.5 brings Gragas and Seraphine nerfs, features new skins

As the League of Legends season continues to progress, we now get our hands on the newest patch for the game, which sees some interesting nerfs.

When it comes to the champions, the nerfs are quite expected. Seraphine and Gragas have been dominating lately and have seen a lot of competitive play, while Shaco has been a (literal) solo queue terror as of late. We also get some buffs for neglected champions such as Kog’Maw and Master Yi, while updates to Sejuani and Trundle could bring some variety in the jungle. Finally Samira receives a buff after being ‘overnerfed’ according to Riot.

We also see some tweaks to items, again mostly focusing on bringing new life to underused items or giving them a little more purpose. This features items such as Muramana, Stridebreaker and Guinsoo’s Rageblade. Black Cleaver also got adjusted, removing the bonus physical damage and adding movement speed based on stacks of Carve, while Maw of Malmortius will go down in cost by 300 gold, making it a more attractive defensive option.

Also read:
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– “Should champ select bans be increased in League of Legends?” – Riot Games responds

Aside from some quality of life updates to the shop and some bug fixes, we’re also getting new Bee skins. These skins are for champions Malzahar, Yuumi and Kog’Maw and will feature additional chromas.

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Image Credit: Riot Games
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