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March 9, 2021
League of Legends
League of Legends patch 11.6 targets Lillia, Renekton and Gnar
The newest patch for season 11 of League of Legends features nerfs to some prominent top laners, as well as changes to systemic healing.
On the nerf list are some of the most prominent champions in the meta right now, with Lillia and Hecarim (and Karthus) on the chopping block. Top side will also see changes to the ever prominent Renekton and Gnar picks we’ve seen lately. When it comes to champion buffs the mid lane sees some updates, as Leblanc and Sylas welcome some changes. Xin Zhao will also get an update, which we’ve already covered last week.
Patch Preview for 11.6. Includes:
-Systemic healing reduced
-Xin Zhao mini upgrade
-And the usual targeting of outliers (strong and weak) pic.twitter.com/nOWK1loOkl
One of the biggest champions on the buff list is Akali, a champion which Riot has struggled to balance in the meta ever since she got a rework. She’ll get some tweaks to both her E and Ultimate ability in the hopes she’ll see some higher win rates in the upper echelons of ranked play, where she currently suffers.
Riot will also be overhauling and implementing changes to systemic healing, which is found to be a tad bit too powerful right now. According to Yetter they want to make healing “a notable choice instead of a baseline.” The update will bring changes to popular items such as Vampiric scepter and Blade of the Ruined King.
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