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League of Legends patch 11.6 - Xin Zhao resurgence and systemic healing targeted - | esports.com
League of Legends

League of Legends patch 11.6 – Xin Zhao resurgence and systemic healing targeted

The newest League of Legends patch is here in the form of 11.6 and Xin Zhao enters the fray, while Riot targets healing as it’s found to be a tad too effective.

When it comes to champions, we see nerfs to familiar faces such as Gnar, Hecarim, Renekton and Lillia who we’ve been dominating the top lane and jungle as of late. Karthus and Urgot were also targeted. The nerf list of this patch clearly shows the current strength and prevalence of these top lane and jungle champions.

Among the buffs on the other hand we spot Xin Zhao, who Riot Games desperately wanted to polish as they announced a short while ago, reworking his W and focusing on an AD fighter set and an off-build AP set. Other champions to gain buffs are LeBlanc, Pyke, Sylas, Volibear and the currently much-plagued Akali, who has been suffering from a low win rate in almost all ranks.

Item-wise Riot Games took to toning down healing items in general, which are still trending too high. This sees lifesteal reduced in items such as Immortal Shieldbow and Blade of the Ruined King. When it comes to AP Mythics, Liandry’s Anguish and Luden’s Tempest were made a little more usable. 

Healing was also targeted through runes, with Fleet Footwork and Ravenous Hunter toned down. Summoner spells Teleport and Smite also got slight buffs, with the latter now providing a little more sustain to less tanky junglers.

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Image credit: Riot Games