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September 22, 2020
League of Legends
League of Legends Worlds 2020 – How to play Pick’em
With a new LoL World Championship there also is a new Pick’em for you to play. For guessing the tournament’s results correctly, you can win big prizes.
With the Pick’em challenge you get to guess which teams will make it out of group stages, through the playoffs and who will win Worlds 2020. Just for locking in your picks in time, you already get some Blue and Orange Essence. After picking your final winner, you even get a Hextech chest and a key.
Here’s the schedule for every stage of the main tournament:
Different reward tiers
The more accurate your picks are, the better your reward icon will be. There are 5 tiers of rewards that are increasingly difficult to achieve. For each correct pick, you get points. The lowest tier is reached quite easily when collecting 18 points, while the “Crimson Raptor” tier unlocks at 66 points.
The highest achievement you can reach is the Perfect Pick Prize. When you guess everything correctly, you get 5 Ultimate Skins and an Alienware Aurora PC. Understandably, reaching that goal is rather unlikely.
Here is an overview of all the tiers:
Drops return
In case you do not want to try your luck in the Pick’ems, there are some more items you can get for just watching the live tournament via lolesports’ Drops. Your chances of getting one depend on the amount you watch and the action in game.
Here is a list of events that activate drops:
Anytime in each stage that a Pentakill happens
The first time in a stage where the Dragon Soul is taken
Anytime a series goes to game five
Anytime a pro player gets over 450 CS in a single game and then
anytime a player after that beats the record that was just set
During the Opening Ceremony of Finals
If a North American Team wins (NA Fans Only)
During the third Ace achieved in each stage
Loot will also be dropped for a few surprising moments, such as when a team is upset, a team is on a streak, casters are going crazy over a massive play, and other meme-worthy moments.
The drops will grant you various different items, such as a commemorative Esports Capsule, Hextech Chests, discount codes from the events’ sponsors and more. For every drop you receive, you also get an exclusive artwork.
But wait, there’s more
Finally, there are so-called watch missions you can fulfill. For every completed mission, you get 500 Blue Essence. The missions are quite simple: Watch a certain amount of matches and get your reward. The first match you watch must be live.
For the finals there will be a special mission. If you watch the match on lolesports, you get 10 Worlds tokens. For more information, visit lolesports.com.
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