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The rework of Dr. Mundo accidentally got leaked through the Brazilian League of Legends website, where a post seems to have gone live ahead of the scheduled time. The rework itself features a complete visual update of the champion, animations included.
When it comes to the rework, Riot Games wanted to keep the essence of Dr. Mundo the same. His new visual style and animations are designed to make it a little more clear how savage and brutal the champion is, showing off a redesigned Ultimate animation while also showcasing a new attack animation, with Mundo viciously headbutting a turret.
Dr. Mundo
– Primeiras informações a respeito de seu Rework
Besides the new animations and graphics, the leak also contained a brand new skin for Mundo, namely the Rageborn Mundo skin. This skin gives him a more berserker-like appearance, changing his skin tone, giving him a set of armor and adding a beard. It’s currently unclear when the skin will be available.
Fans seem to be split on the visual update. While some people like the more sleek design, others find the visuals to be too simple and obvious. Riot themselves revealed they wanted Dr. Mundo to be a relatively simple and straightforward champion, not only visually but also when playing him on the rift, just like Mundo himself.
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