Just a week after 10.25 Riot will deliver a Hotfix to League of Legends. 10.25b will be the last patch of the year.
Riot Games’ Mark Yetter once more delivers the newest updates to fans via Twitter. 10.25b will be a Hotfix for the current Patch and will release December 16.
Item adjustments
Contrary to previous patches 10.25b will focus on champions instead of items. But two items still get adjusted. The Sunfire Aegis will now deal less Immolate damage to enemies. while Runaan’s Hurricane has been reworked in build path, cost and effects.
Eight champions on the list
For champions Riot has targeted Mid and Top lane champions for this patch’s nerfs. Ranging from Akali to Malphite and Galio, the developers have weakened them slightly. Two champions find themselves on the buff side of things so make sure to try out Kayn and Gangplank to see if they are more viable now.
Complete Patchnotes:
- Passive movement speed 40-70 ⇒ 30-60%, damage 39-180 (+60% base attack damage) (+50% ability power) ⇒ 29-170 (+60% bAD) (+40% AP).
- E base damage 60-180 ⇒ 50-170, mana cost 40 ⇒ 50.
- W cooldown 16-12 ⇒ 18-16.
- Attack damage per level 3 ⇒ 4.
- Base armor 35 ⇒ 38.
- Q damage 65-145 ⇒ 75-155.
- Magic resist 32.1 ⇒ 28.
- Q slow 29-45 ⇒ 25-45%.
- W attack speed 55-95 ⇒ 50-90%.
- Self casting E while in combat no longer unbinds her target.
Runaan’s Hurricane
- Cost 3400 ⇒ 2500 gold.
- Attack damage 25 ⇒ 0.
- Passive bolts 40-70% ⇒ 40% of attack damage.
- Pickaxe replaced with Dagger in build path.
- Immolate damage ramping 12% per second up to 72% ⇒ 10% per second up to 60%.
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Sunfire Aegis
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