China continues investing to rival South Korea as the esports place to be. On June 29 tech giant NetEase has begun building an esports park in Shanghai for $710 million.
NetEase is a familiar name in the Chinese tech world as they run numerous internet portals, mail providers and other services. But they are also China’s second largest game publisher and exclusive distributor for Blizzard titles like StarCraft II, Overwatch, World of WarCraft and others in China.
Over 151,000 square meters dedicated to esports and gaming
First announced one year ago NetEase has now started construction for the proposed industry park in Qingpu District, Shanghai. The entire complex will feature everything necessary for the esports industry. It will not only include a 2000 seat esports stadium, but also training centres and office buildings.
In order to accomodate the projected 20,000 inhabitants of the new industry park it will also feature residential and commercial districts. Together with several technology projects planned for the park, NetEase is going all out.
Once the park is complete NetEase hopes to increase the efficiency of their various projects by gathering their expertise in various areas (esports, game development, Virtual Reality) in a single place. With the proposed industry park catering to every possibleneed that wish might just become reality.
This ambitious project costs five billion Chinese Yuan or roughly $710 million and will span 151,000 square meters.
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