The drama between Pokimane and Jidion went down a while ago, when the former was the target of a hate raid which started and was influenced by the latter. It led to a lot of beef between the two, with both of their fans duking it out on social media and with Jidion eventually getting permanently banned from Twitch. He would go on to apologize later on and the two creators have now collaborated in a video.
A video was uploaded by Jidion where he and Pokimane are sitting at a Chick-Fil-A as they talk about the situation while eating. Pokimane grills Jidion on some of the things that went down suc has him sharing pictures of her without make-up and him making some sexist remarks, despite saying she believes Jidion isn’t a sexist or misogynist. The discussion eventually led to Pokimane posting the selfie with the caption: “This face makes more money than you’ll ever see in your life.”
The video has been amazingly popular ever since it was posted to YouTube, gathering almost 2 million views in less than a day. It seems that Pokimane and Jidion have truly talked things out, with Jidion saying “they’re cool”. He also urges Ninja not to sue Pokimane in a comedic jab, relating back to the earlier drama.
Also read:
- Pokimane says Twitch contract is running out – Is a YouTube move in the cards?
- Ninja and Pokimane clash over JiDion hate raid – Ninja threatens legal action
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