The regular season has finally come to a close and Rogue stands tall among the pack, securing first seed in playoffs and first in the regular season after their 2-1 score in Week 8. Rogue has earned the chance to pick their playoff opponents and have picked Misfits Gaming. The series will begin on August 13th.
First and foremost, thank you for accepting this interview. Congratulations on your 2-1 week and securing first in the regular season, as well as first seed in playoffs. How does it personally feel for you to lock in the first seed going into the summer playoffs?
Trymbi: Honestly, I didn’t really think about it that much. I guess before the game against Team Vitality, I felt it was nice to be the first seed but I think we knew we could get the top spot since we’re playing pretty decently right now.
I somewhat expected us to be at the top after how the season went and how other teams were struggling a bit. It’s obviously nice and I wouldn’t have thought about it before, but right now due to how we are playing I think we are contenders to win trophies. It’s very nice that we made it and I appreciate we’re consistent enough to make it happen.
You mentioned you’re not too happy about the game against Team Vitality. How did you see it from your perspective and what aspects made you unsatisfied?
Trymbi: I would say the game against Vitality, we played it quite well and even though we are a bit behind from the bot side’s perspective, we still managed to come back in the game and made sure we weren’t on the backfoot.
From my point of view, the fact that I got the pick that I wanted and we still couldn’t really manage to play around it that much due a number of things, like what happened top side, our jungler was also having a rough time and also we got dove… it just felt a bit sad. Obviously when we came back on both sides, we had a situation where it was a big throw from us. We still could win afterwards but we failed to do so.
This game was really sad because it should have been a free win for us, for sure. Even after what happened in the early game, we still should have won. We managed to learn from it. We are technically the ‘best’ team but we’re not unbeatable, and we just need to work on that.
— Team Vitality (@TeamVitality) July 31, 2021
I believe you mentioned this in a previous interview, is something that’s often discussed in the community, where Rogue tends to make strange decisions or objective calls in the mid to late that confuses watchers. Can you elaborate why it happens and how are you working on that?
Trymbi: I think most of the time during scrims, the games are just often a bloodbath and we win those games most of the time. Yet when the official matches come around, I feel like a lot of teams are not playing the same way that they play in scrims, and they try to wait until someone makes a mistake. We tend to make mistakes like the meme Ashley Kang posted on Twitter around the 20 or 30 minutes mark. This happens because we make mistakes that we don’t normally make, it’s stupid mistakes that happen but shouldn’t happen. It tends to be something completely random from one of the players and… yeah, it is what it is.
I think it’s something easily fixable and we just need to work on that because it’s happened often in this season and even though we didn’t lose many games, a number of those games that we lost were probably winnable. Mistakes like these can cause us to lose the game outright and it would be nice to fix them. It’s something we need to understand, something we need to work through and put attention towards. If we put some effort in, we can easily make it work.
Today from Korean communities:
Korean fans often like to speak of 로그타임 (Rogue Time) — A magical 20 – 30 min window where @Rogue decide to throw their previously positive gold difference and make mysterious objective-based decisions
It has become a term on its own #LEC
— Ashley Kang (@AshleyKang) July 31, 2021
Talk to me about this effort and how would you guys go about fixing this issue? How do you practice these kinds of situations? Scrim more, perhaps?
Trymbi: Scrimming more is hard I think. I think it’s more about realising why we make those mistakes ourselves, because it’s really easy to pretend that it’s nothing serious and we just move on. Sometimes it’s hard to realise we made these mistakes, we just need to be aware of it and work on it.
I would say every player has to face it, including myself. Sometimes I have the feeling that I did something bad but initially, I might have thought it was something good and it doesn’t need to be fixed. But when you look at it from a different perspective, it’s for sure something you should work on. It’s how you perceive it and what steps you take in order to fix it.
For you, it’s still your rookie year. Do you still feel a lot of pressure in matches after last season’s results? How do you manage it?
Trymbi: Even though we’re first in the regular season, I don’t think anyone cares about it right now. In a way, yeah we’re first but I’m sure people will talk more about how we throw games instead. I don’t mind them talking about that because if you want to put us in the underdog position, why not? I’d take it freely.
I’m pretty sure that’s what is going to happen and people will be underestimating us. If they want to do so, sure, go for it. I will gladly take it and try my best to get to Worlds and to win the LEC.
Before going into playoffs, how would you look back on the summer season and how would you rate your own performances?
Trymbi: I think it was a bit better than last season, because of the fact I’ve gotten a little bit more comfortable than I’ve ever felt and I speak up a lot more than before too. I’m just trying to do my own thing even though sometimes what I do feels a bit ‘int’ and doesn’t work, I’m trying to learn from it. I’ve been doing quite a bit of work to improve.
I’m trying to work on my craft so I can play better and I think it’s looking good right now, so I hope our playoff run will be better than the previous one.
Moving on to playoffs, since Rogue have chosen Misfits Gaming as your playoff opponents, talk to me a bit about that match and what you expect from it?
Trymbi: I guess Misfits looks really solid right now. Although they started to look a bit more shaky towards the end of the season, I still think they’re a really good team. They have shown they can come back into games with these Elder Dragon buffs from out of nowhere and just win them!
I think this shows that they don’t give up no matter how badly things go and shows they’re capable of waiting for mistakes or actively forcing their opponents to make them. Misfits are for sure a scary team to face but I think we’re in a good spot right now to face them. I hope we win this series and as far as I know, if we win it, we qualify for Worlds 2021. If not, we’ll do our best to win against our next opponent and qualify for Worlds.
Before we end, on the topic of Worlds, since you guys are in a good position to qualify for it… Assuming you qualify, which teams and players would you like to face?
Trymbi: Well, from a support’s perspective, I would really like to face Ryu “Keria” Min-seok from T1 at Worlds. I feel like he is currently one of the best, if not the best, support in the world right now and it would be really nice to face him. I hope I get the chance to do so.
If not, I’d love the chance to play against Tian “Meiko” Ye from EDward Gaming. I think he is also a really insane player and I’d love to play against him!
Meiko: Thanks!
— LPL (@lplenglish) June 27, 2021
Hey if you’re lucky, you might get to face both of them!
Trymbi: Yeah, if I’m lucky!
We’ve come to the end of the interview. Anything else you’d like to add? Any shoutouts you’d like to give?
Trymbi: I really appreciate our now former Head of Marketing, Tien and his work because I highly appreciate what he did for me this and last season. He’s done a lot for me and I appreciate every second he spent with me, and I would like to shout out that he’s really insane and it was lovely to have him.
I want to show better performances in the playoffs compared to my performances last week because I’ve been a bit disappointed in how I played. I want to show that this randomness won’t happen again. I think I’ll make it happen, so yeah, watch us!
Thank you Trymbi and good luck in the playoffs!
Also read:
- Can Vitality make the miracle run? – Misfits stay in the top two
- Anyone can beat anyone & the race for the sixth playoff spot
- Akshan buffed first day after release
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