League of Legends is amping up the hype with a newly released animated trailer, likely showcasing the origin of League’s newest upcoming champion, Yone.
The Spirit Blossom event is the currently ongoing event, consisting of two champion releases and a series of skins. Lillia, the first champion teased, got revealed a week ago and is a seemingly straightforward jungler with moderate hype behind her. The buildup to the reveal of Yone, the murdered brother of Yasuo, has been ongoing for a while.
Yasuo is one of the most popular champions within League. With his flashy style, myriad of skins and mechanical highlights, he has been above the pick and ban lists for solo queue pretty much since his release. His lore, intertwined with Riven and the murder of his own brother in self defense, has always been a great example of some of the darker elements of League of Legends’ backstory.
The trailer showcases this as well. It tells a tale of internal conflict through some beautiful visuals, ending the trailer with a now vengeance-bent Yone heading towards Summoners Rift. Unfortunately, none of his kit has been revealed as of yet. The general expectation is a champion akin to Yasuo: highly mechanical, flashy swordsmanship and absurd damage and outplay potential.
While his actual release date is not announced yet, the Spirit Blossom event still has two more days in its planning: the 22nd of July, when Lillia release, and the 24th of July, which currently has nothing announced yet. Fingers crossed!
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