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Shroud roasts Lost Ark: “Most boring game I’d ever played” - | esports.com

Shroud roasts Lost Ark: “Most boring game I’d ever played”

While Lost Ark has been breaking multiple records when it comes to viewer numbers on Twitch and amount of players, Twitch streamer Shroud has said he won’t be playing a lot of it, at least in the foreseeable future. When starting out his stream, Shroud was asked if he would be playing Lost Ark today. “I might play Lost Ark. I just don’t know how much I’m going to enjoy it, because in beta, it was the most boring game I’d ever played.”

It’s not the first time Shroud has spoken out about his dislike of the game, earlier on he already targeted the combat system of Lost Ark, which he called ‘over the top’ and ‘flashy’. Shroud isn’t the only streamers who says they’re not a fan of the MMORPG, as both xQc and Summit1G have criticized the game for its leveling system, calling it too grindy.

Shroud went on to talk about the leveling process as well, again mentioning how much of a slog and a grind it is. “It is so boring to level up in that game, I don’t know what they were thinking with any of their decisions on the leveling process.” Many people seem to disagree with Shroud though, as Lost Ark continues to put up big numbers in the West after already being a success in the Eastern regions.

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Image Credit: Lost Ark / Shroud