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The 5 best marksmen to climb in season 11 soloqueue - | esports.com
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The 5 best marksmen to climb in season 11 soloqueue

Today we investigate the marksman, formerly known as the AD Carry, and which five champions are the strongest in season 11 to play in your ranked games.

Playing the marksman role in solo queue can be very frustrating as you are very dependent on your support. In most cases, you queue alone and do not have a duo support partner. So, with that in mind we will also include how dependent your champion is on your support and how self-sufficient you can be. That is why we will use three pointers to rank every marksman on this list.

  • Carry potential out of 5: The higher the better, since you want to carry harder and easier.
  • Teammate dependent out of 5: You want this to be as low as possible when you play solo queue. You do not want to rely on things you do not hold any power over.
  • Meta fit: The higher, the more the champion fits the current meta of season 11. Of course, this is subject to change whenever a new patch rolls out.
5. Vayne – Who Needs A Team?

Carry potential: 4,5/5
Teammate dependent: 3,5/5
Meta fit: 2,5/5

One of the most well-known late game carries is Vayne. Popularized by Uzi with the “raise the puppy” strategy, this marksman can take over the rift in the later phases of the game. With your build-in stealth utilising your tumble when you are using your ultimate, you can reposition quickly to approach the fight from another angle and break the ankles of your opponents. Although this champion has an exceedingly difficult laning phase due to her short range, she will need minimal peel late game as she can provide it for herself, landing her the fifth spot on this list.

4. Jhin – Put On A Show

Carry potential: 4/5
Teammate dependent: 3/5
Meta fit: 3/5

Besides being a performer himself, Jhin can be quite the lane bully with his kit in the current meta. Having the option to go for an all-in lane with kill pressure on more immobile marksmen gives him the fourth spot on this list (get it, FOURTH spot, four shots … I will let myself out). This makes you more dependent on a support that has engage and uses it wisely in the laning phase . However, after that laning phase, you can always engage a fight from long range with your deadly flourish or curtain call ability. This keeps you on a safe distance and sets up your team for success. Nevertheless, you will struggle against teams with more than one tank on the frontline, so beware when you pick him.

3. Tristana – Going all-in

Carry potential: 4/5
Teammate dependent: 2,5/5
Meta fit: 4,5/5

One of the more flexible marksmen at the moment is Tristana. She can be played both midlane and botlane. In the midlane she is not so much dependent on a support so we will mainly focus on her in the botlane. Just like Jhin, she will need an engaging support to get the lane going but once you get going there is no stopping this Yordle. With the ability to all-in almost everyone in the later phases of the game with your huge range-advantage scaling off levels, you can just rocket jump yourself to victory. Just make sure you do not get crowd controlled before or after using your jump, since that is your biggest weakness.

2. Samira – Yasuo with range

Carry potential: 4/5
Teammate dependent: 2/5
Meta fit: 3,5/5

She was broken in the first half of season 11 but has since dropped in popularity due to some nerfs. That does not make her any less of a carry since she can still be a very snowbally champion. She is a bit more immobile, but her playstyle still stays the same.

After you get one kill in a chaotic teamfight and building up your S-rank, you can take over when you can finally pop your ultimate and dash through the whole enemy team. Best combined with an engaging support in the botlane with a lot of crowd control, but also very playable with enchanting and peeling supports.

1. Kai’Sa – Ultimate Hunter

Carry potential: 4,5/5
Teammate dependent: 2/5
Meta fit: 5/5

The best fit in the current meta on this list is Kai’Sa. That is why she is the number one marksman on this list. She has a high damage profile, a lot of mobility to reposition in teamfights and a very manageable laning phase. She can use some peel and engage from her team but can always go in for the kill herself with her ultimate ability “Killer Instinct”. She can easily shred to the tanky frontline that is currently being played in the meta, as her passive helps her out a lot. It also helps that she can be paired with almost any support in the botlane, making her very playable in a lot of champion selects.

This was our list for top five marksman to play in solo queue to gain your desired rank. Never forget: if you lose it is always jungle difference and never your fault (/s). You can only control your own gameplay so stay focused on the things you can improve on, but these five champions will help you out nonetheless. As a famous YouTuber often says: “Good luck in solo queue and have a wonderful day.”

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Image credit: Riot Games