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Do you like to solo carry your games just minding your own business? We know how you feel! That’s why we have made a list featuring the five best mid lane champions to climb in solo queue.
Grinding solo queue can be frustrating, especially when there are things you have no power over. One of those things is choosing your teammates and how they play the game. You must rely on the fact that they play decently and factor in the presence of the enemy jungler being nearby anytime he is not shown on the map. Bad communication might lead to frustration and eventually there is no coming back since your team is in a negative spiral downwards.
That’s why we’ll be looking at some of the best mid lane champions to use when climbing in solo queue, offering you the chance to put the team on your shoulders and carry them all the way to victory.
1. Katarina – Snowball Playstyle
On the current patch (11.2), Katarina is a bit overtuned. She can either go a full-on ability power or attack damage route. This flexibility combined with her overall kit give her so much freedom in a game. Playing out your lane might be the most difficult part since you are a melee champion, but once you get one or two kills the ball starts rolling. With a cheap build-path you can take frequent backs and roam around the map to get some kills. Try to enter teamfights when the enemy team has already burned a lot of their hard-cc abilities to make the most of her kit. You’re also not particularly mobile, so play around that while watching your positioning.
2. Yasuo – Synergy and late-game duelling
Not only can he be played in the botlane but he is a strong midlaner as well. He spikes very well on just the Immortal Shieldbow item, offering quite a bit of power with minimal investment. Combined with an infinity edge and bloodthirster, he is basically full build. Whenever there are some knock-up abilities on your team on other champions, Yasuo always seems like a viable pick. He has some rough matchups in the early game, but once he reaches the late game he should be ready to dominate. Take exhaust to make sure that nobody wins a duel against you in the sidelane and try to follow-up on the engagements your team makes, focusing on knock-up targets.
3. Lucian – Lane dominance
Even though he is dubbed a marksman, he can easily be played in the midlane. He has a good time against squishy control mages like Orianna, who are picked often in the midlane. With your early damage, you can force an opponent out of lane quickly. Picking up the ignite summoner spell might even get you an early kill. Try to use that early pressure to get some kills on the board. With these kills, you can then snowball your lead with items and win every teamfight.
4. Annie – Simple yet deadly
Annie has a simple, yet deadly playstyle. She is a burst-mage that has good waveclear, range and enough safety in lane with her shield. With her passive providing you with a stun, you can always lock down a target easily. Use your Q-ability to stack it easily by last hitting minions with it. This refunds the cooldown and counts toward a stack for your stun. Farm up until level six and proceed to one shot everyone with your combo: stack your passive untill you can stun, walk up with the movement speed from your E-ability, use your Q-ability on an enemy to stun him, throw your W- and R-ability to burst someone. You can also start out with your ultimate ability to stun multiple targets.
5. Akali – The Unmatched Assassin
This champion requires a lot of mastery, but once you get the hang of her, she is one of the deadliest assassins. Her greatest weakness is her laning phase, where she can struggle against ranged opponents. Once you get in the mid-game or you see an opportunity to roam, you can fully come online. Try to kill the enemy champions in the sidelane one on one or join a teamfight from a nasty flank-angle and assassinate the enemy backline before they can even react. Use your shroud wisely, because once it is down, you become very vulnerable.
Keep in mind that some mastery of the champion is required before you will be able to take over games. If you are looking for a new easy-to-master champion, try out Annie first! Good luck on summoners rift and may the elo gods favour you.
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