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September 2, 2021
League of Legends
The 5 most played jungle champions in League of Legends right now
First and foremost, the stats are gathered during patch 11.17 so they might be reflective of the current meta, with some champions being stronger than others. Stats were provided by LeagueOfGraphs.
5. Trundle
Trundle is one of the picks that is currently in the meta and has seen a fair share of pro play. He’s great at clearing the jungle in its current state and aside from being a great ganking threat, is also still useful in teamfights, making him fit in very well in certain compositions.
4. Viego
Did anyone expect Viego not to be on this list? Viego remains one of the strongest, highest-damage junglers in the current meta and he can completely take over games if he can get some resets on the right champions.
3. Graves
We might not be seeing as much of Graves in professional play anymore, but he’s still a much-loved champion in ranked and solo queue. He’s got some great carry potential and can deal ridiculous amounts of damage.
2. Jarvan IV
Jarvan IV has seen more play ever since the current patch and the fact that he’s quite a straightforward and ‘easy’ jungler had led to him being used a lot more.
1. Ekko
Ekko is the most popular jungler right now, having received quite a few buffs recently. He can be quite a safe pick, clearing a bit easier now and being able to disengage in relative safety.