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The 5 most played support champions in League of Legends right now - | esports.com
August 25, 2021
League of Legends

The 5 most played support champions in League of Legends right now

5. Lux

We might not be seeing all too much of Lux in pro play, barely any really, but she’s still a top pick overall when it comes to the support role. She’s a great pick for new players to learn some of the mechanics and she’s quite straightforward, offering some CC a shield and still decent damage.

4. Leona

Leona is one of those supports that can be relatively easy to pick up, is quite forgiving when you make a mistake thanks to her W, and can set up basically any teammate for success. The fact that she can work in a lot of different compositions and can be a very safe pick, makes her ideal for solo queue action. Go in, stun, success.

3. Yuumi

Let’s face it, nobody actually likes Yuumi, yet she’s easy to pick up and play. If you don’t feel like playing at all and just want someone else to do the job for you, just go with Yuumi. It’s no surprise a lot of players actually use her to climb or when duo-ing with a friend in the bot lane, which kind of explains her high usage rate.

2. Lulu

Lulu is just broken right now and can be devastating on the right team composition. She’s oppressive in lane, is very helpful in teamfights and can make that one Trundle or Garen on your team basically unkillable for a short while, all while protecting her ADC.

1. Thresh

Playmaking is the name of the game for some people and nobody has been doing it better and for longer than Thresh has. The Chain Warden can swing entire matches with a great hook and Flay and a good Thresh can be a nightmare to lane against. That is if you get a competent player playing him.

Stats/ranking based on: League of Graphs

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Image Credit: Riot Games
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