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The League of Legends Worlds Patch 11.18 is here - These champions got buffed - | esports.com
League of Legends

The League of Legends Worlds Patch 11.18 is here – These champions got buffed

The list of buffs in this patch is quite long and includes quite a few marksmen this time around such as Jinx, Kai’Sa, Kog’Maw, Twitch and Draven. There’s also quite a few buffs to support champions which include Soraka, Morgana and Yuumi, with especially the latter being interesting considering we haven’t seen a lot of her in recent pro play. There’s also a few interesting buffs and tweaks, such as the buff to Zed jungle through his passive.

All the nerfs on the patch are targeted towards professional players and include many of the past meta champions. Junglers such as Lee Sin and especially Trundle were toned down, while bot laners Aphelios, Ashe and Varus all received slight nerfs. Lots of the nerfs were directed to the top lane, with Renekton, Jayce and Camille receiving nerfs as well.

In the item department both Ravenous Hydra and Titanic Hydra lose activation on turrets, while Umbral Glaive sees its cost increased as well as its lethality lowered. The Predator Rune also got tweaked, increasing move speed ramp-up and maximum move speed to make junglers such as Skarner and Lillia (and God forbid Hecarim) more effective. You can check out the full patch notes here.

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Image Credit: Riot Games