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Looking to carry from the support position? Let’s take a look at 5 of the best League of Legends supports in season 11.
Being a support main in solo queue can be a real uphill battle at times. It feels like your AD Carry never listens to you, never follows your engages and your team just blatantly ignores your shotcalling. So how do you gain League Points (LP) as a support main? It is not easy but playing one of these five champions can already give you an edge in your matches. Of course, you can never just pick a champion and expect to win so make sure to read the whole article.
First off, we have a little disclaimer before you queue up, go into champion select and first pick one of these supports. You always must keep in mind that if you blindpick a support, a counter can be picked, and this makes the lane a bit more difficult. That should not be an obstacle for your grind. Whenever your pick gets countered, you opt to play for other lanes than just yours. Try to support your midlaner or jungler instead and roam together to set up vision and plays. Before you do that make sure the wave of your marksman is in a decent state, but that is something for another article. After you have gained some mastery over these champions, you will instinctively feel the match-up in champion select and how you should approach the game.
1. Thresh
Without further ado, let us start with the first champion in this list. It is an all-round good champion with a lot of possibilities in a game. We are of course talking about Thresh, the chain warden. He has multiple playstyles so he can be very flexible depending on the botlane match-up. You can either go for an all-in lane, looking to land some crowd control on the enemy laners and win the all-in. If you are in a bad all-in match-up, like Blitzcrank or Nautilus (since they outrange your hook), you should look to play more defensive. Try to play with your lantern to set up ganks with your jungler, or roam with them to find and kill the opponents’ jungler. Combine this with boots of swiftness or mobility and you are good to go.
2. Blitzcrank
We just mentioned him, but Blitzcrank is the best example of a support champion that could solo carry a game. He is often picked as a counter to mage supports since he has an easy time hooking them. Except for Morgana, as Blitzcrank mains hate to play against her blackshield ability. His Q-ability Rocket Grab is so powerful because you can hook a carry or important/squishy player in your team and burst him down. Turning the fight in a 4v5 and winning off that. Of course, Blitzcrank is only as good as your hooks so make sure to practice them.
3. Leona
Following along the lines of the previous two, Leona fits exactly right. She has great abilities to lock up an enemy target and to survive and engage on her own with her W shield. Combined with an AD Carry that is very mobile and/or has a high damage kit, you can easily snowball a game to a victory. Just make sure to know when to engage, since follow-up is needed. If you engage too early and your team has no damage to combine with your crowd control, the fight might be lost. The same counts for engaging too late, your team might already be dead.
4. Janna
Another playstyle you can opt for is a safer one. The perfect champion for this playstyle is Janna. She is insanely good at disengaging fights and enchanting your allies. You must regard yourself as a backline player and shield allies that are under threat by the enemy team. Use your movement speed, slows, knock-ups, heals and knock-backs right and you can turn every fight in a winning one. A good Janna never dies since she has so much movement speed, shielding and disengage.
5. Lulu
The last one on our list follows in Janna’s footsteps, it is Lulu. It is hard to have faith in your teammates in solo queue at times but Lulu can give your AD Carry in the botlane so many buffs he can become the true carry. Of course, if your botlaner is not playing his best game, you can always choose to buff someone else. She has the same playstyle as Janna, but with slightly different abilities.
Like every new champion, it takes some practice to master one. So, make sure to jump into some normal games first before testing this in your ranked games. When you finally hit those hooks on Blitzcrank, get the nice engages on Leona or have 25 stacks on your Mejai’s as Janna, you’ll be flying.
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