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Patch 10.19 will be the final patch before Worlds kick off. Riot has decided to slightly nerf Akali, Lucian and Caitlyn.
14 champions in total have been adjusted by Riot Games in Patch 10.19. Some of the notable nerfs include lower damage on Akali’s Q or Lucian’s reduced damage gain per level. Caitlyn’s headshot damage in her W was also lowered.
10.19 Preview with full changes: -We got some more 10.18 data and Talon and Nunu are actually not as strong as they previously appeared (both nerfs removed) -Seeing some risk that Akali/Lucian could take over the worlds meta and might be 100% p/b (added small nerfs) pic.twitter.com/dvZ9ZC3xAD
Especially the nerfs to Akali and Lucian are more than justified with their current strength in the meta. Riot’s Lead Gameplay Designer, Mark Yetter has stated that he wants to prevent those from having a 100% pick/ban rate.
The planned changes to Talon and Nunu were reverted as their impact on the meta does not seem to be as influential as initially thought.
Instead Aphelios might be returning to dominance on the bot lane. The AD Carry with flexible weaponry will receive a higher damage gain per level (from 2 to 2,4).
Sylas’ buff on his ultimate is also quite significant. Instead of 60 seconds cooldown, he will be able to use it every 40 seconds now.
Ahri’s W also got a reduced cooldown, coupled with lower manacosts. Riot also buffed Sivir’s passive to increase the movement speed by another 5 units.