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These League of Legends champions have the highest attack damage at level 1 - | esports.com
League of Legends

These League of Legends champions have the highest attack damage at level 1

Renekton (69 AD)

Renekton is known as a bully in lane and his 69 Attack Damage at the start of the game surely reflects that. As we all know, it’s never a fun time when you’re facing a Renekton, especially when playing a tank.

Ornn (69 AD)

Ornn might be one of those champions you wouldn’t expect to be on this list, but the blacksmith packs quite a punch, even at the early levels and with his CC-heavy abilities, and can dish it out as well as take it.

Kalista (69 AD)

Kalista is known far and away for her early game prowess and can really get the snowball running if she can grab a few early kills. She’s very scary early on in the game and her 69 AD at level 1 surely reflects that.

Cho’Gath (69 AD)

Another champion with the 69 AD at level 1 stat is Cho’Gath, who can deal some big damage early on. Aside from his high level 1 AD stat, Cho’Gath needs to hit his abilities, which becomes a lot more difficult if you’re playing a high-mobility champion.

Lee Sin (70 AD)

Lee Sin can be a menace in the jungle as well as lane, even though the latter occurs quite a bit less frequently nowadays, but the possibility is still there. He’s known as one of the strongest champions early-game, so be wary.

Tryndamere (72 AD)

At the top of the standings in level 1 AD sits Tryndamere, the terror of soloqueue. He can deal tons of damage with his auto attack and E combo, which can mess you up and put you in a bad position early if you’re unprepared.

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Image Credit: Riot Games