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January 18, 2021
League of Legends
5 Bot lane champions to climb in soloqueue in season 11
Climbing the solo queue ladder in League of Legends can feel like an uphill battle at times, especially if you play in the marksman position where you rely a lot on your support, another player where you have no control over. That is why choosing your champion with care is essential to gain some LP (League Points). These five champions will help you in your solo queue games and hopefully get you to the rank you want!
Of course, it’s not a clear-cut way to victory when you just pick one of these champions. Some mastery over the champion is required to do some serious damage to your opponent. That is why you should keep in mind that we talk from the point-of-view where you also take the time to master these champions first before drafting them in your ranked game. You will always have to count on some support from your partner in the bottom lane.
We all know the memes surrounding this champion and how his real power spike starts when his score is 0-10. Despite the meme, there is some truth to it. However the game goes, a Yasuo stays relevant due to his mobility, high damage per second and his good scaling with just two items. That is why he is the first champion on our list.
When do you pick him? Preferably with a melee support to help out with your all-in decisions and against a team composition that does not consist of mostly ranged champions. He can be played with fleet footwork for safety in lane or conqueror for some extra damage and healing late-game. Be careful, the early game will be more difficult since you are melee.
Kai’Sa has been in a decent spot and is one of those champions on which you can self-peel a lot in solo queue. With her “Supercharge” and “Killer Instinct” abilities, she can reposition very quickly in hectic teamfights so you do not have to rely on peel from your teammates. Make sure to save those for moments where you really need them. She’s good with a melee support but can be picked with mages as well. Play for survival in the laning phase and get yourself into the mid-game to do some serious damage.
Just like Kai’Sa, Vayne has a lot of options to peel for herself in games where everyone wants to kill her. She does this even better than Kai’Sa but has much shorter range. This makes her more vulnerable in the laning phase or to short-range engage or poke. Keeping track of your positioning will be key. With her built-in true damage, she will always be able to kill tanks and other beefy champions that are in her way. Using your ultimate in combination with your “Tumble” ability, you will gain invisibility for a small duration, so you can reposition when you are in a bad spot. Use it to fool your opponent in a one-on-one, or to clutch out a late game teamfight.
One of the more famous solo queue climbers. This champion takes a lot of time to master and can be a real lane bully when he’s used well. He has a unique playstyle where his kit favours the player chasing other champions when catching axes in quick succession. With his passive rewarding aggression and getting kills, he is one of the best champions to snowball with from the bottom lane position. Once you get rolling, there’s no stopping the Draven-show and there is no better support than an engaging one to combine this pick with.
The last one on our list is the most recent released marksman. Samira can be a real pain in the ass to deal with for your enemies. Her kit exists of good mobility when you time your dash well and you get a reset, but she has some good sustain too. She does well with some lifesteal in her build, and with conqueror and overheal in her runes. Her ultimate has no mana cost and is only reliant on getting an S-rank with your passive. The only thing that really counters her is hard cc, but a quicksilver sash could potentially keep you out of trouble.
Focus on improving
These five champions all have something more unique to their kit that makes them good pick-ups to win your ranked matches with. Of course other champions could do the trick as well but these ones are, in our eyes, the best ones. Lastly, when playing solo queue, you should never forget that you can only influence your own gameplay. Play for yourself, take extra resources if you know you can carry and always full mute your team if they are spreading negativity. Focus on improving!
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